Today’s devotion is from Ephesians 4:26-27 (NLT)

Don’t sin by letting anger control you. Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a foothold to the devil.

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Many believers have a major problem with anger…

Most outbursts of anger are due to frustration. Of course there are many other things besides frustration that trigger outbursts of anger and rage including drugs and alcohol. Drugs and alcohol lower an individual’s ability to exercise self-control, and without the needed self-control it becomes easy to be triggered by the smallest of things. Certain drugs like marijuana, ice, crystal meth, opioids and cocaine directly attribute to rage. Frustration is however the leading cause of non-drug induced rage and anger. 

Outbursts of anger and rage is a work of the flesh and can give place to the devil to harm the perpetrators as well as those around them. The simple solution is to walk in the Spirit and to have the fruit of the Spirit operating in the lives of believers. It is however a process to become yielded to the Spirit to the degree that a believer no longer yields to their flesh. 

Frustration, disappointment and discouragement often work together to trigger anger and rage in believers…

Most frustration, disappointment and discouragement comes from believers either trying to be responsible for what only God can do, or from not achieving ambitions in life. The devil tries to put feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness and self-condemnation on individuals who feel like failures in life. By the way, research has shown that both men and women deal with major anger and rage issues, they may express it differently but the anger problem is a genderless problem. 

If you battle with anger and rage, ask the Holy Spirit to pour in the oil and the wine and to heal your broken heart…

Frustration, disappointment discouragement, condemnation and feelings of worthlessness and failure are all symptoms of a broken heart. Broken-heartedness can only be healed by the Lord through the work of the Holy Spirit. People have done seemingly unforgivable things, people have failed in things that they were determined to succeed in, people have had their faith disappointed by stepping out on what they thought was ‘a God thing’ only to fail miserably. All of these things and more can attribute to broken-heartedness. 

If you have been controlled by anger or rage, give your failures, your broken dreams, your self-condemnation, your frustrations, disappointments and discouragements to the Lord and ask the Holy Spirit to heal your heart. Keep letting go all day and every day and keep receiving His love, His acceptance, His grace, His healing and His anointing. As you do the fruit of the Spirit will begin to destroy the works of the flesh, including anger and rage.  

Walking free from anger and rage is a journey… it may take a little time to get all of the poison out, but on your journey, or the journey of a loved one that is overcoming anger and rage, celebrate the baby steps, celebrate the small victories and celebrate each day that you or your loved one continues to receive ministry from the Holy Spirit.