Today’s devotion is from Romans 8:28

And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Many in the body of Christ are so afraid of doing the wrong thing that they do nothing at all…

“What if I miss God? What if I fail? How do I know what to do?” are all fearful questions that the devil tries to put in the minds of believers to stop them from stepping out in faith. Do not be afraid of doing the wrong thing… do your best to be led by the Holy Spirit and then step out in faith. All things, not just the right things… ‘all things’ work together for the good to those that love God and are called according to His purpose. God will even use your mistakes for the good.  

Pray about things, yield to the Holy Spirit, then step out in faith!

People who purposely push away the leading of the Spirit and choose to do the wrong thing give place to the devil, but believers who may choose the wrong thing while making every effort to be led by the Spirit will receive grace and mercy, and even their mistakes will work in their favor.

Fear is the great inhibitor, it is set as a trap of the devil to make us passive and unproductive in our faith…

Fear leads to doubt and double mindedness, and double mindedness leads to instability in every area of life. Some criticize Peter for taking his eyes off Jesus and almost drowning, but at least Peter stepped out of the boat. If you are going to step out of the boat, you are more than likely going to experience some major challenges that could lead you to making some mistakes… it goes with the territory. Do not allow this to keep you in the boat.

If a child jump from the top of the stairs towards his dad’s arms, what dad will refuse to catch his child, jut because the child should not have jumped. I guarantee you this, if an earthly father will catch his child out of love, how much more will our Heavenly Father also catch us, even when we step out in error.

Ask the Holy Spirit, yield to His leading to the best of your ability, then take a leap of faith, in Jesus Name!