Today’s devotion is from John 14:27 (NLT)

“I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” 

I love in this verse how Jesus says He is “leaving” peace with us. Once He gives you His peace, He does not take it away. It’s a lasting peace, an eternal peace. 

There is no way the world can give peace of mind or lasting peace. The world can give momentary peace as it distracts you from the worries and cares of life but Jesus brings a peace that is lasting. What would pull you away from ‘lasting peace’? Putting your mind back on the world and the cares of life will pull you away from lasting peace.

Jesus wants you to fully trust Him, fully rely on Him, fully take Him at His Word and keep your heart and mind on Him alone. Nothing should be able to distract you from His peace if your mind is “stayed on Him”, as the scripture says ‘perfect peace has he whose mind is stayed on Him’.   

I used to have a fear of elevators….. but, I remember getting into an elevator in a New York Hotel when I was 18 years old and my mother reminding me of the scripture about perfect peace. I received that Word as a gift from the Lord and till this day, I have to smile when I get into an elevator and am reminded of my mother’s words, almost like a song I sing in my heart and mind… that I have perfect peace because my mind is stayed on Him. I received that Word about peace regarding an area of fear and to this day, there is a lasting peace over my mind when I get into an elevator. 

No matter what fears are trying to grip you, when the fears comes, combat that fear with receiving His peace in your life over that area.

Jesus is our Prince of Peace and His peace over your life is a gift from Him. Lay hold of His peace, Receive it as yours as if it was a gift, wrapped in love from Him that you are unwrapping, and then stay in His perfect peace. 

Fear, doubt and worry will take you out of lasting peace.  So be reminded whatever is not of Faith is sin, so say no to fear, say yes to peace, put on the Mind of Christ and allow His everlasting peace to remain as a gift from Him. It’s a supernatural peace that cannot be duplicated by the world, but as you receive it from His throne of love and grace, His peace will transcend your understanding and flood your heart and mind with a rest and an eternal lasting peace that only He can give. Right now, just thank Him for His peace. Right now, receive His peace. 

Have a blessed, peaceful day, Esther