Today’s devotion is from Matthew 18:12

If a man has a hundred sheep and one of them wanders away, what will he do? Won’t he leave the ninety-nine others on the hills and go out to search for the one that is lost? 

Elijah ministered to a widow woman and her son for, what may have been almost three years, Jesus spent a significant time with only three disciples and Samuel took a lot of time to go find, and then minister to David, preparing him to be king. Taking a significant amount of time to minister to one person that the Lord leads you to is a very important part of ministry.

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I spend hours doing one on one ministry over the phone and in person to what many would wrongly consider to be ‘nobody’s’. There are no ‘nobody’s in the kingdom of God… every person is a diamond. I also spend countless hours ministering to great leaders around the globe. I will drive for miles and take hours to go see a teenager, or an individual in need who may never attend a service at our church. I have ministers from around the world who call me on a regular basis for personal ministry. I take ministry to one person as seriously as I do when I minister to thousands.

Many pastors of small churches are challenged and feel disappointment because so few people are following them, but the few being ministered to are eternally grateful. Do not ever think that one, or two, or a few people are insignificant. Do not ever look over the heads of the one, or two, or the few that you have been assigned to, toward the thousands that you have not been assigned to. One person can change the whole world! One seed planted in one person can change their life forever, and that one person will then go on to make a significant difference in the lives of others. Look up and see the people as individuals, not as groups, and then take whatever time is needed to sow precious seed into their lives - Selah