Today’s devotion is from Genesis 4:9

Then the Lord said to Cain, “Where is Abel your brother?” He said, “I do not know. Am I my brother’s keeper?” 


The question remains the same today, are we as New Covenant believers responsible to care for and to watch over our brothers and sisters in the faith?

The short answer is absolutely, yes! Jesus said that what we do for the least of these brothers and sisters in Christ, we do for and unto Him. Jesus talks about leaving the ninety-nine and going after the one, and then He says, if you love me, take care of my sheep and feed them. There are many, many other scriptures that clearly tell us to ‘be our brothers and sisters keeper’. 

Taking time to notice, taking time to care, to reach out, to ask, “are you doing ok?” Taking the time to ask, “can I pray for you?” Taking the time to visit someone who may be lonely, to reach out to our brothers and sisters in the Lord who are in prison, or homeless, or in hospital, or in nursing homes is near to the Lord’s heart. We are the hands and feet of Jesus, and as we take the time to reach out, we are reaching out in His Name and we are doing His work.

As we reach out to our brothers and sisters in Christ, the anointing in our lives will increase…

The more the anointing flows out of us to others, the stronger and more powerful the anointing on us gets. One would think that all believers would continually reach out and care for one another, after all, the Word says that you will know that they are Christians by their love for one another. Sadly many do not even notice that their brothers and sisters in Christ are in need of care. Many are so self consumed that they never see the needs of others.  

The more you reach out, the more you will see that you may be the only one who has done so. You may notice someone hobbling around with a sore back for weeks… you finally ask, “May I pray for your back?” You pray, and the person is healed, then you ask, “How many people have prayed or asked to pray for you in all of the weeks since you have been in pain?” “You are the only one…” the person answers. Hundreds of believers see people in pain, people that are obviously depressed, people that are in lack and people that are in need and just pass by on the other side, pretending not to notice, too busy to get involved, or too shy to ask if they can help.

Reach out and be a blessing to your brothers and sisters in Christ that are in need this Easter season, be your brother’s keeper… when you have done it unto the least of these brothers and sisters, you have done it unto Jesus! – Selah