Today’s devotion is from Exodus 4:10-12

Then Moses said to the Lord, “O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither before nor since You have spoken to Your servant; but I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.” So the Lord said to him, “Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes the mute, the deaf, the seeing, or the blind? Have not I, the Lord? Now therefore, go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall say.”


‘Not by your might, not by your power, not by your ability, but by His Spirit says the Lord!’

When the Lord gives us an assignment, it is ALWAYS beyond our ability to do – that’s one of the ways that we know that it’s God… God assignments can only be done supernaturally.

Even though Moses had a ‘God encounter’ at the burning bush, even though the Lord gave Moses the power to work miracles by turning his staff into a snake, by turning water into blood and more… Moses was still overwhelmed by his assignment from the Lord to the point that he asked the Lord to send someone else who would be more qualified.

As an adopted grandson of Pharaoh, Moses had been trained in the art of leadership by the best that Egypt had to offer, yet when it came to his assignment of the Lord, Moses saw just how inadequate he was. Many have asked the Lord, “Lord, why me? There are many people that are far more qualified, far more gifted, people that have greater education, more leadership qualities, stronger personalities, and people that have greater ability… so, Lord, why are you asking me?”

Short answer… ‘the Lord seldomly asks those who are qualified, or those who think that they are qualified…’ He almost always asks men and woman of God who will have to do what they do by His power, ability and might, and not by their ability. He gives His assignments to those who know their own limitations, those who will be entirely dependent upon the Lord and those that will include other people of like faith. The Lord wants us totally reliant on Him, knowing that we need Him as well as others to get the job done.

Friend, your assignments from the Lord are bigger than you, beyond your ability and beyond your natural capability! Your God given assignments are going to require the supernatural, miracle working power of God, supernatural ability, divine favor, supernatural provision, as well as the help, giftings and expertise of many other people. Whether you have been led by the Spirit to run a business, to support another’s business, whether it is ministry, whether it is leading your family… EVERY God given assignment is going to require much more that what you alone have in the natural.

Instead of focusing on your inadequacy, begin to focus on the Power and ability of the Lord, begin to place your entire trust in Him and His supernatural supply – begin to look for your team that you need to do what lays before you… and get ready to walk on water! You and your team, together with the power of the Holy Ghost have everything that you need to be successful in every assignment from the Lord – you can do this!

“Who has made man’s mouth? Or who makes the mute, the deaf, the seeing, or the blind? Have not I, the Lord? Now therefore, go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall say, I will teach you how to lead, and I will give you favor, supernatural supply and everything and everyone that you need to do what I have called you to do,” says the Lord!

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