
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from 1 Corinthians 3:7

Neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters, but God who gives the increase.

God brings the increase – look to Him, put your faith in Him and not in your works!

The Passion Translation says, ‘The one who plants is not anybody special, nor the one who waters, for God is the One Who brings the supernatural growth.

Kingdom, New Covenant increase comes from the Lord, not from our works…

New Covenant increase is supernatural increase and cannot be brought about by human hands. We sow, we plant, we water, we pull weeds, but God puts life in, and grows what we have planted.

When we put our faith in what WE do, how WE do it, and how effectively WE implement it, the Lord cannot and will not bless what we do – He wants our trust to be in Him!

The Lord wants us to wait upon Him, follow His leading, and then place our trust in Him… unless He builds the house, those who labor, labor in vain!

Many times when people face a setback, they condemn themselves saying, “I must be doing things wrong”. Friend, your increase does not depend upon YOU doing things exactly right… your increase depends upon you placing all of your faith in the Lord… trust Him, receive increase by faith from the Lord, and as you do, He will bring it to pass!

Today at church I am going to be ministering on receiving promotion and going to the next level, God’s way… you do not want to miss this one!

In His amazing love, Nick
