Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Psalm 40:8 (TPT)

I delight to fulfill Your will, my God, for Your living words are written upon the pages of my heart.

When His living words are written on the pages of our hearts, we delight in fulfilling His will…

The way that we write the Word of God on the pages of our hearts is by speaking, decreeing and declaring the Word in faith, over and over until what we say becomes a revelation. Psalm 45:1 says, “My heart is stirred by a noble theme as I recite my verses for the King; my tongue is the pen of a skillful writer.” As you ‘recite’ the Word, your tongue becomes a supernatural pen that writes the Word in your heart.

This is how we renew our minds – in Psalm 40:8, the word ‘heart’ is referring to ‘the soul’ of man… ‘your mind, your will and your emotions’. Romans 12:2 says not to be conformed to this world, but to be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God… we renew our minds through our mouths by the words that we speak! As we speak the Word, we write the Word upon the pages of our hearts [minds wills and emotions] and as we do, we delight to fulfill His perfect will… in other words, we become emotionally excited, mentally enlightened and willfully determined to do the perfect will of God.

An unrenewed heart or soul (mind will and emotions) is not full of the Word and the Word is not written upon it’s pages – an unrenewed soul does not delight in fulfilling God’s will, but a renewed soul that is full of the Word delights in fulfilling, ‘proving’ and demonstrating the perfect will of God! The Word takes us beyond delighting in doing His will, it empowers us with miracle working power and supernatural enabling ability to do it!

Like the psalmist, use your tongue as a pen of a ready writer today, recite your verses to the King… write His Word upon the pages of your heart and you shall delight to fulfill His will! Speak the Word out loud, memorize scriptures and then declare and decree them all day long, as you do, your tongue supernaturally writes the powerful, living, healing, transforming, enabling Word in your inner man.

As the Word is written in your heart, it is re-writing your destiny and is supernaturally programming you to live a supernatural life of signs, wonders and miracles in Jesus Name!

Blessings on you, in His amazing love, Nick
