Today’s devotion comes from 2 Peter 1:2 

‘Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.’


In yesterday’s teaching we focused on how grace and peace get multiplied through the knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord, today, I want to focus on the grace and the peace that gets multiplied.

When a believer walks in New Covenant grace and peace, that believer not only has power, that believer enjoys an unshakable quality of life…

New Covenant peace is more than the absence of war, or the absence of worry… New Covenant peace is the manifested presence of the Prince of peace, Jesus. New Covenant peace is a continual awareness of the manifested presence and glory of Jesus. New Covenant peace is bursting with agape love, with the anointing and with joy unspeakable and full of glory. Multiplied peace is a massive increase of our awareness of the manifested presence and the glory and the anointing and the power of Jesus.

New Covenant grace is more than unmerited favor, it is the manifestation and the awareness of Jesus, Who is grace personified. The anointing of favor on Jesus gets imparted onto and into you as you draw near to Him. Multiplied grace is an increased awareness of Jesus and the grace that He continually imparts… as you increase in grace, favor increases toward you, your world and your surroundings. Favor is an open door to prosperity, success and blessing.

As grace and peace gets multiplied in your life in the knowledge of the Lord there will be an increase of the supernatural in every area of your life… increased anointing, an increase of miracles and an increase of the glory of God in your life! - Selah