Today’s devotion comes from 2 Peter 1:2 

‘Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.’ 


You get addition, and then you get multiplication; the Lord has given us the key to trigger a quantum leap of grace in our lives as grace gets multiplied. The portion of grace and peace given to each believer is already staggering, how much more is grace and peace multiplied? 

The way that grace and peace gets multiplied is ‘in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord!’ Knowing God, knowing the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, knowing who we are in Christ and Who Christ is in us, knowing our New Covenant in Christ and KNOWING that Jesus’ work is a FINISHED work and that no one can add or take away from it through works MULTIPLIES grace and peace in our lives.

Knowing that God is good and that His New Covenant Law is a perfect Law of liberty and freedom, knowing that God is LOVE and that He does everything through love, knowing that He is for us and not against us and knowing that His grace abounds towards us because of Jesus and not because of our actions or inactions triggers a quantum leap of grace and peace. 

The opposite is also true… grace and peace will be subtracted in the ignorance of God and of Jesus our Lord. People who do not believe right, who do not know the NEW COVENANT Word, who do not KNOW the Lord and who do not know His heart have little to no peace in their lives and even though grace has been given to them, they do not receive it for themselves or walk in it.

When a person does not know God and Jesus your Lord, that person is open to deception, fear, unbelief, false doctrine and many other traps of the devil. When a person who knows the Lord studies the bible, that person hears the HEART of God and receives the intent of God. A person who does not know God misunderstands, gets confused and interprets the Word wrongly. One walks away with a message of liberty and freedom leading to life and the other with bondage, legalism and confusion leading to death. - Selah