Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Isaiah 40:31 

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. 


This is one of the most beautiful passages in Scripture, one of my favorites. The Lord reminds us to stop all that we are doing, to take some time and to put all our thought, focus and attention on Him. It’s like everything in you wants to stop, take a deep breath and then wait on Him. Your waiting time may require you to read the Word, worship the Lord in song or just take time to get alone with Him in prayer. It may be a time of you stopping everything and taking communion, just you and the Lord. 

It’s in these very quiet moments with Him, that you ask of the Lord, whatever you want, need, require and as you pray, asking in His Name, the Word tells us, we ask and we shall receive and that we will walk about full of joy. 

The Joy of the Lord is our strength. When the answer comes, when the direction comes, it comes with a strengthening, quickening power of the Holy Ghost. That’s when you rise up and begin to soar and run without looking back. When the Lord releases you on a journey and equips you for the things He has called, quickened and directed you, you have supernatural ability to soar.  

When I look at the journey the Lord has us on and I see how daily He inspires us to run the race, I see the excitement He continually puts in our hearts, I know it’s His goodness, His empowering strength, His grace. He is so awesome in our lives. Friends, as long as we continue to wait on Him, we will continue to walk in renewed strength. 

 Maybe today is your day of renewal. Out with the old thinking, out with the discouragement and in with the renewed strength, in with the ability to run again because He is true to His Word and His promises prevail.

 “Father, I wait on you now for renewed strength, I make a withdrawal of strength now in Jesus name. Father I thank you that I am in covenant relationship with you and by Faith I receive the ability now to rise up above the circumstances I am dealing with, with renewed vision, renewed joy and strength and hope right now in Jesus mighty name”.