Today’s devotion comes from Psalm 23:4

‘Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me.’ 

Notice that scripture talks about ‘walking’ through the valley, not running, not sitting and not standing. Standing and sitting won’t get you through, but running will lead to running into something unexpected in the shadows.

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There are times in life when we need to slow down, go slower, reflect, pray and listen carefully for the voice of God. These are less productive times, these are times when some things just have to wait until after the valley. Taking time to walk is like walking up a steep hill in the middle of a marathon; others may pass you by, and by walking, you are effecting the timing of when you are going to finish, but taking the time to walk may be the difference between finishing and not.

If you are going through a valley, slow down, but do not stop! Do not run, but keep walking. Sometimes slower is the key to success in life! - Selah