Today’s devotion is from 1 Corinthians 7:7 

‘Each one has his own grace gift from God, one in this manner and another in that.’


When we include the grace gifts listed in Romans 12:6-8 and in 1 Corinthians 13 there are fifteen gifts listed…

The gift of the word of wisdom, the gift of the word of revelation knowledge, the gift of faith, the gift of healing, the gift of the power to work miracles, the gift of prophecy, the gift of discerning of spirits, the gift of speaking in tongues, the gift of interpretation of tongues, the gift of serving, the gift of teaching, the gift of encouragement, the Gift of giving, the gift of leadership and the gift of compassion. There are many more grace gifts than those listed such as grace gifts of music, writing songs and leading worship, grace gifts to write, grace gifts in the arts and many, many more!

The baptism of the Holy Spirit is the New Covenant gateway to receiving the grace gifts of the Holy Spirit…

The bible says that believers will receive ‘Miracle working power’ [dü'nämēs] when the Holy Spirit comes upon them at the time of the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Dü'nämēs is the same Greek word used as the ‘grace-gift’ of the working of miracles in 1 Corinthians 13. Every grace gift is the working of miracles in one form or another. We receive this ability as we are baptized in the Holy Ghost. All other gifts are given as specific anointing’s for specific callings, assignment and kingdom tasks. 

As said in yesterday’s teaching, grace gifts are supernatural and are different from natural gifts…

Let’s take for example the grace gift of giving. Someone operating in the natural gift of giving has the natural ability to be a blessing and has a heart to help others in their time of need. Many natural givers have raised up charitable organizations that do good around the world. Someone with the grace gift of giving is anointed and endowed with supernatural power to access what is needed for kingdom assignments supernaturally. In most cases the grace gift of giving and the grace gift of faith are given together. Those gifted believers have the supernatural miracle ability to believe God for BIG things, to receive them supernaturally and then to deposit what they have received to those that need it for their kingdom assignments.

Those who have the grace gift of encouragement are anointed to impart supernatural life into those that need it. When they impart, it is the working of a miracle. They do not just say kind words that are uplifting, they impart deliverance form oppressive spirits, emotional healing, mental healing peace, joy, faith and supernatural power that makes whole. When they are done ‘encouraging’ the recipient is transformed by the power of the Holy Ghost.

If you are a born again, spirit filled believer, you already have the grace gift of the working of miracles. As you spend time in the realm of the Spirit, other unique grace gifts will be imparted and freely given to you by the Holy Spirit for your kingdom assignments in life. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal His grace gifts that He has given you. He will lead you and equip you how to operate in these amazing powerful tools freely given by the grace and unmerited favor of our wonderful Heavenly Father - Selah