Today’s Devotion is from 1 Corinthians 12:4

There are diversities of grace gifts, but the same Spirit.

To recap from yesterday’s teaching, the gifts of the Spirit are grace gifts…

The word ‘Gifts’ is the Greek Word ‘khä'rēsmä’ and the word ‘Grace’ is the Greek word ‘khä'rēs’.


khä'rēsmä literally means Grace-Gift. It is a grace gift, or an unmerited favor gift from the Holy Spirit, given as a tool to minister by faith in the Kingdom of God. These grace gifts are supernatural gifts that are filled with supernatural ability and supernatural power. 

When we include the grace gifts listed in 1 Corinthians 13 there are fifteen gifts listed. To see the whole list, go to yesterday’s teaching.

A gift of the Spirit is different from a natural gift…

For example, someone may be a naturally gifted leader and not necessarily operate in the grace gift of leadership. The grace gift of leadership, including every grace gift is a spiritual gift. Grace gifts are supernatural and come packed with other supernatural gifts, supernatural abilities and miracle working power. When it comes to leadership for example, natural leadership is the natural ability to influence, persuade, control and direct people to achieve a given goal.  

The grace gift of leadership is a supernatural anointing from God that draws people to follow supernaturally. Miracles, signs, wonders and a display of the power of God and the supernatural release of the love and grace of God is imparted, causing people to be drawn in and divinely inspired to follow the Holy Spirit in a person or people.

To be continued in tomorrow’s teaching…