Today’s devotion is from Joshua 1:8

This Book of the Law [The Word of God] shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.

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The Book of the Law was the written Old Covenant Word of God during the time of Joshua. The Old Covenant was not nearly as powerful as our New Covenant, however the Word of God according to the Old Covenant was still so powerful that meditating on it guaranteed prosperity, success and victory over their enemies. If the Word according to the Old Covenant was that powerful, how much more the Word of God according to our New Covenant?

The Hebrew word ‘meditate is ‘hâgâh’ by implication, to ponder: — imagine, meditate, mutter, roar, sore, speak, study, talk, utter and to do. Meditating on the Word is speaking, declaring, singing, shouting, studying, visualizing and doing the Word until it becomes an inner reality. ‘Observing to do’. Meditating upon the Word is a form of brainwashing… washing your brain with the water of the Word and then reprogramming it according to the truth of the Word. 

The Children of Israel had to wash out the Egyptian slave mindsets and reprogram and renew their minds according to who they were in the light of the Word according to their covenant with God. The mindsets of Egypt were blocking them from receiving their promise. Only a renewed mind could receive their promise and God’s way of renewing our minds is through meditation. 

Our New Covenant Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. As we meditate upon it, as we ponder and imagine or see the promises of God in His Word, as we, mutter, roar, sore, speak, study, talk, sing, utter and to do the Word until it becomes a reality, our minds will become renewed and the limitations of past world views will be replaced by the power of the Word of God according to our New Covenant.

Make time for scriptural meditation, even if it is foreign to you, even if you do not fully understand it, ask the Holy Spirit to teach you, do it by faith, in Jesus Name!