Today’s devotion is from John 4:23

‘The hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him.’


The Father is drawn to, and seeks out true worshippers….

Worship goes beyond prayer, meditation and Bible study, true worship is an act of pouring out deep affection and adoration to the Lord. People who practice shallow, dead ritualistic religion often pray and even read their bibles, but they do not worship in the way that Jesus describes in John 4:23 True worship sets true worshippers apart from all other dead religious practices.

True worshipers…

True worshippers have a real relationship with the Lord. The Greek word used here for worship is ‘Proskynéō’ literally meaning to kiss, like a dog affectionately licking his master's hand. True worshippers interact with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit 24/7. Their relationship is not based upon a god that they have created in their own heads that conforms to their worldview; their relationship is based upon the Word of God and serving God as He is, not as their flesh wants Him to be. It is a real, deep, personal relationship with a real loving God. True worshippers do not hope that God is real, they KNOW, because they know Him, speak to Him, they hear His voice as He speaks to them, they touch Him and He touches them… it is real, not ritualistic.

True worshippers worship the Father in spirit and in truth…

To Worship in spirit and truth is to worship with your heart and with your head, from your spirit man as well as from your soul, logically as well as emotionally and with your heavenly language as well as with your earthly language. Worshipping in spirit is heart worship. It is loving, adoration that pours out of our spirits to His Spirit… spirit to Spirit in the realm of the spirit. Worshipping in truth means that our head is engaged; we worship a God then we believe in according to our covenant with Him and according to His Word in words that we understand, mean and sincerely believe.

    The Father is seeking such to worship Him…

2 Chronicles 16:9 says that the eyes of the Lord move to and fro throughout the earth so that He may support and show Himself strong to those whose heart is completely His. David was not in the New Covenant and therefore could not worship God on the same level as we can, but His worship was so sincere, so heart felt, so anointed that God took notice of that teenage shepherd boy, found him, singled him out and chose him to lead His nation and to be in the lineage of Jesus. Your worship does not determine your salvation, but it does effect which level the Lord will use you in in His Kingdom leadership. God chooses great worshippers to do great exploits for Him!

Make time to worship today, make it a priority, put your whole heart into it and get ready for the Father to notice, seek you out and for Him to use you mightily in His kingdom!