Today’s devotion is from Colossians 1:28 

Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus.

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The Holy Spirit WARNS us concerning people, things or actions that will harm us. He uses preaching and teaching to warn us and He also warns us from His Spirit directly to our spirit. The Holy Spirit may speak to you in a still small voice, He may allow you to feel a sense of grieving as you are considering something, or He may bring a past memory to mind to warn you. 

It is vitally important to yield to and to heed to the warnings of the Holy Spirit! Some believe that because that they are divinely protected and that because the devil is under their feet that they will be ok regardless of the warnings of the Holy Spirit… this is deception and will lead to calamity. All of God’s promises are conditional to His Word, His covenant and His leading. If we disregard His Word, if we do not apply the truth of the New Covenant and if we reject or ignore the leading of the Holy Spirit then we open ourselves up for destruction. 

The Lord has saved my life and saved me from disaster on many occasions, by warning me of pending danger, and then redirecting me around or through things, or situations that would have taken my life or been harmful to me.  

Being sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s warnings and following His leading matters…

Over time I have ministered to many believers who have been in a place of disaster, sickness, lack, depression and calamity. As they share their story it is always easy to recognize the areas and the times where they had not heeded the warnings of the Holy Spirit or His voice or His leading and where they did not walk according to His Word or according to their covenant in Him. It is common to hear them say, “Yes, I know the Lord warned me”, or “The Holy Spirit reminded me about his Word and tried to get me to walk according to it, ‘BUT’…” People have all kinds of excuses as to WHY they did not follow the promptings of the Spirit… family, people will always have a really good reason to reject the leading or the warnings of the Spirit, but they do so at their own peril! 

The Lord warns us, corrects us and redirects us because He loves us. Heeding His warnings is wisdom!

When the Holy Spirit warns us about something or corrects us or redirects us, He always provides the grace and the provision for us to do what He is asking.

The good news is that it is never too late… even if you have gotten yourself in a mess by not heeding His warnings, start today…start right now! Repent for the past and immediately begin to heed His voice, His leading, His warnings and His Word. As you do He will turn every setback into a comeback.

Yesterday morning as I was rolling over a rock, the Holy Spirit warned me that there was a centipede in the ground under the rock. I proceeded with caution… out came an angry centipede that would have made my life very miserable had I not heeded the Holy Spirit’s warning. What is the Holy Spirit warning you about right now? What is He preparing you for? How is He leading you? Heed His voice and stay on the path of life and wisdom, in Jesus Name!