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Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Romans 8:6 TPT

The mind-set of the flesh is death, but the mind-set controlled by the Spirit finds life and peace.

A Spirit controlled mind-set, or, as The Passion Translation puts it, ‘the mind-set controlled by the Spirit FINDS life and peace…’ The Holy Spirit wants you to FIND life and peace mentally… He wants your mind-set to be flooded with ‘Zoë Life’ (the God kind of life) and supernatural peace at all times.

A mind-set of life and peace has to be searched for, found, and then be put in control by grace through faith… In other words, our carnal minds will ‘naturally’ gravitate towards death (worry, stress, negativity, sinful lusts and the like). We have to push all of that aside by grace, and then seek out and find and then engage a mindset of life, peace, faith and love.

By the power of the Holy Spirit, say “NO” to the carnal mind-set and then ‘seek out’ the spiritual mindset…

Say, “I will abide in the mind of Christ, I will walk in a mindset of ‘Zoë Life’ and peace, I will find the right mind-set with the help of the Holy Spirit and then I will walk in it by grace through faith, in Jesus Name! I am at peace and in faith-rest mentally… joy is flooding my mind, I am full of hope, full of faith, I am confident that the Word is working in my life and I am patiently expecting glorious victory in every challenge!”

How do I seek out and find life and peace?

This passage of scripture says that it requires a MIND-SET… in other words, your mind has to be made up that ‘Zoë Life’ and supernatural peace together with joy, faith and hope are going to be occupying your thoughts and are going to be the REALITY that you walk in… not fear, regret, hopelessness, negativity and doubt. A carnal mind-set will not be tolerated at all! I am not going to let a carnal mind-set make me miserable and destroy my life, not now, not ever!

Ask the Holy Spirit right now to help you to find and walk in LIFE and PEACE mentally, and in every area of life, in Jesus Name!

Blessings on you, Nick
