Today’s devotion is from Romans 8:31

‘If God be for us who can be against us’ 

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A Pastor friend of ours recently shared a short sentence with his congregation as a word from the Lord, and I felt such a strong anointing on what he spoke as I was listening live to the online link… it was such a total reminder of God surrounding us and protecting us.

'Don't let anything in life that is threatening you intimidate you' 


Have you ever felt that you just came face to face with the accuser of the saints? Have you ever felt that the enemy tried to look you in your face and challenge you for everything you are in Christ? Have you ever felt discouragement try to surround you like a blanket and attempt to smother the life of Jesus Christ right out of you? Saints, the devil is a liar... a roaring lion who goes about trying to devour… but, praise God, you are undevourable! You are Mighty in Christ! You are undefeatable… undefeatable in Christ! Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. Don't be intimidated by the threats of the enemy!

The devil will try to use people, circumstances and situations to hurt, discourage and attempt to get you to quit, run, bend or fall; but today, in Jesus Name, I am reminding you that you are mighty and victorious in Christ Jesus! Shake off every attack of the enemy! Shake off every negative word spoken against you! Bind the plans of the enemy and in Jesus Name… freely walk into His perfect victory! Friend, I stand with you right now in Jesus Name and declare that the enemy cannot intimidate you and cannot defeat you... rise up in Jesus Name, be made whole in your heart and receive His boldness to rise up and say, “enough devil... you cannot touch me! I am a child of Jesus Christ and I am His alone! His victory is mine and I am walking in His declared victory. The greater one lives in me! Whatever is not of FAITH is not mine... mine is the Faith, the victory... the Word... the things that are good, true and worthy of Praise. Praise be to God Who always causes me to triumph in Christ forever more!”