Today’s devotion is from Proverbs 10:22 (AMPC)

‘The blessing of the Lord—it makes [truly] rich, and He adds no sorrow with it [neither does toiling increase it].’


The Lord wants to bless you, He wants to make you rich and prosper you financially, emotionally, spiritually and physically. The scripture goes on to say, “And He adds no sorrow with it”. The Hebrew word translated as ‘sorrow’ is ‘etseb’, literally meaning painful toil, exhausting labor and stressful work that adds sorrow and regret. 

I have heard people say, “I’m sorry I ever bought this house”, “I’m sorry I ever moved to Hawaii”, I’m sorry I ever married this person”, or, “I’m sorry I ever took this promotion!” In life, sometimes things that seem to be blessings can later look more like curses. I want you to know and the Lord wants you to be fully persuaded that He adds no sorrow with it, neither does toiling increase with it. 

If there is sorrow, regret, pain or exhausting labor, one or more things have to be discerned…

There could be pain, sorrow, regret and exhausting labor, if YOU made something happen and did not listen to the warnings of the Holy Spirit. For example, if the Holy Spirit warned you not to take that job that pays more and comes with the company car, but you did it anyway… this kind of action could lead to much unnecessary sorrow and pain. If you are now suffering because you did not listen to the Lord, repent now, receive forgiveness and then commit to following the leading of the Spirit. He will lead you out of the land of sorrow, regret and toil and will lead you into His blessings where no sorrow is added.  

Secondly, there could be pain, sorrow, regret and exhausting labor if God blessed you, but you gave place to the devil. Lack of integrity, cheating on business deals, not paying taxes or not honoring the Lord in your stewardship could give place to the devil and then the devil will add sorrow to God’s blessing. If you gave place to the devil, repent, receive forgiveness and then commit to following the leading of the Spirit. He will lead you out of the land of sorrow, regret and toil and will lead you into His blessings where no sorrow is added. 

Thirdly, there could be pain, sorrow, regret and exhausting labor as a result of the enemy illegally attacking you. Many times the devil will illegally attack believers who do not know their covenant. Some believers just accept hardship, trouble and pain and do not resist it or do anything about it. Many do not even know their rights under the New Covenant in Christ. If this is your case, then you did not do anything wrong! The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy, but he is under our feet… we have total authority over him and the powers of darkness. If you discern that your pain, sorrow and hardship is there as a result of the devil’s illegal attack, take immediate authority over him in the Name of Jesus! Bind him and command him to get his hands off what God has blessed… then ask the Father to protect you, defend you and to rebuke the devourer for your sake. Study, meditate on the Word and know your New Covenant in Christ so that you know exactly what to do if the devil ever tries to curse what God has blessed in the future. 

Know that the blessing of the Lord makes you truly rich, and KNOW that He adds no sorrow, toil or exhausting labor with it! If you are blessed by God with a home that you have to make payments towards, then Jehovah Jirah will provide every payment without stress or sorrow. If the Lord blesses you with a relationship, then the Holy Spirit will lead you and equip you to enjoy that relationship in peace, joy and harmony. When the Lord gives you something, it makes you richer for it, you won’t have to labor and toil stressfully for it, and He adds no sorrow with it!