Today’s devotion is from Hebrews 10:38-39 (TPT)

‘And he also says, “My righteous ones will live from my faith. But if fear holds them back, My soul is not content with them!” But we are certainly not those who are held back by fear and perish; we are among those who have faith and experience true life!’ 

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Without God, people living outside of the New Covenant live by their means, or they should if they want to be responsible. Living by their means includes many limitations; financial limitations, limitations according to their ability, their talent, who they know, their personality and such… So, when believers get born again, their unrenewed minds place those same limitations onto them as believers. 

Without renewed minds tithing, giving over and above tithing, loving their enemies, taking time to pray, or doing great exploits for God that they can neither afford or do, and that they do not have the ability to do are all disqualifying factors that prevent many believers from living according to the Word. 

Living by faith is living by the Word according to the supernatural ability imparted through grace. Faith accesses from God what we do not possess in the natural. By faith, Peter walked on the water after Jesus spoke the Word. He did what He could not do in the natural after his faith received supernatural ability from God.

Living by faith causes believers to defy past limitations.

As we live by faith, we now access supernatural ability, supernatural provision, supernatural wisdom, supernatural influence and miracle working power. By the power of God unleashed through our faith we now get more when we give what we have, we now excel in areas of inability, we are now strong in our weakness and we now do what we could not previously afford to do by the power that works within us, in Jesus Name! By faith we defy previous limitations.

Renew your mind, live by faith, and cast aside previous limitations. Step out every day and live by the Word! Do your budget by faith, consider your calling and your career through the eyes of faith, set you schedule by faith, adjust your self image by faith and do everything that you do by faith, in Jesus Name, and as you do, get ready for miracles!