Today’s devotion is from Hebrews 10:38-39

“Now the just shall live by faith; but if anyone draws back, My soul has no pleasure in him. But we are not of those who draw back to perdition, but of those who believe to the saving of the soul.” 


The Greek word for ‘draws back’ is ‘hupostello’, literally meaning, “to cower in fear.”

The Passion Translation is better than most translations… It says, ‘And he also says, “My righteous ones will live from my faith. But if fear holds them back, My soul is not content with them!” But we are certainly not those who are held back by fear and perish; we are among those who have faith and experience true life!’ 

Stepping out in faith requires boldness, confidence and an ability to overcome fear. Many cower in fear when they consider stepping out and doing something that requires a miracle. The enemy bombards their minds with questionings… did God really say? Will God really come through? Is this a step of faith, or is it an irresponsible foolish act? What will I do if it does not work? The devil and our flesh throws all of these questions and fears out the minute we start stepping out in faith.

Just like in the garden, the serpent got Adam and Eve to question God’s Word… “Did God really say?” Just like he always has, one of his greatest weapons is to get us to question God’s Word. When a believers question God’s Word, they open the door for confusion, fear and doubt.  

For those who struggle to live by faith; until you forever settle in your renewed mind that God’s Word is true, that He is not a man that He should lie, and that He places His Word above His own Name, until you have forever settled that… you are not going to be able to live by faith. Until then, fear will hold you back and you will live by the limitations of your own ability, circumstances and your own limited resources.

Ask the Holy Spirit to help you, ask Him to drive out all doubt, unbelief and fear. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to renew your mind as you meditate upon the Word! With His help, by the grace given, start stepping out in faith in small ways. Do something small by the power that works in you according to the Word. You will witness the Word working, you will witness the miracle, you will witness God’s super on your natural, and as you do, your mind will start the process of renewal