Today’s New Covenant nugget comes from Acts 14:3 (TPT)
‘Paul and Barnabas stayed there for a long time, preaching boldly and fearlessly about the Lord. Many trusted in the Lord, for He backed up His message of grace with miracles, signs, and wonders performed by the apostles.’
We have been focussing in the miracle working power of God flowing through every believer in the last few devotions… If you are full of the Word, full of faith and full of the Holy Ghost, you are fully equipped to perform miracles in Jesus Name!
Jesus is ready and able to back up what we say with miracles signs and wonders. When the message of grace is preached, God will back up that message with signs, wonders and miracles… preaching is simply speaking the Word under the anointing. When we bring Jesus’ message to the world as His witnesses, we should expect Jesus to back up His Word by performing miracles through us.
The message of grace is the heart of God in the New Covenant. Not legalism, not religious philosophy, not a works focused religion and not an intellectual, dead belief system; the message of GRACE! The message of grace is God’s message for such a time is this and if you boldly proclaim it, God will back it up with His miracle-working power!
The message of grace includes the FINISHED work of Jesus and is based upon what Jesus has done and is doing, and not upon our works. The Law was focused upon works of obedience and upon earning favor through works. The message of grace is based upon Jesus’ works and upon our ‘receiving’ unmerited favor in Christ… by GRACE, through FAITH, not by works, lest any man should boast.
The message of grace is God’s pathway to righteousness, holiness, favor and miracles, signs and wonders… GRACE accesses and then releases God’s authority, His power, His supernatural ability, miracles, signs and wonders!
Grace enables us to live right, believe right and to experience and be surrounded with favor. Grace brings freedom, liberty and life more abundantly and then, when we preach the message of grace, God will lift us up and increase us by His power working through us… start preaching His message of grace wherever you go and begin to expect miracles, signs and wonders flowing through your life! - Selah
I pray you enjoyed this devotion written by Nick.
In His amazing Love,