Newness of Life


Romans 6:2 

Therefore we are buried with Him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.



Today as I was fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit, He was showing me this verse and talking to me about how being in His presence changes us. You cannot know God and spend time in His Word and not be changed into newness of life. 


When Jesus was raised from the dead…He had a glorified body and He walked in the power of the one who had conquered and defeated sin and death. Just so, when we are in Christ, we now walk in newness of life. We now walk and live in the power of our risen Christ who empowers us and has brought us into newness of life.  He has made all things in our life new and we get to walk in His supernatural power and ability – His power from heaven that He has been given to those of us who are born again. We have received His power. 


As you go about your day today, remember you have His supernatural ability to walk in His power, strength, and ability.  Say no to your fleshly fears and inabilities today and say yes to His supernatural power that is operating in and through you as you receive it, declare it and walk in it.



Selah - Esther