Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Psalm 23:5

 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Family…. Are you in overflow? Is your cup full and running over? Does this remind you of the song many of us sang in kid’s church growing up ‘running over, running over, my cup is full and running over’? I remember singing that song and I remember the hand motions that went with that song too…. 

Do you see yourself today, full and running over, just like Psalm 23:5 says? With Jesus living inside, with the fullness of the Holy Spirit dwelling within, our cup should be full and running over. Ephesians 1:23, tells us that the church is the body of Christ, Who fills all things, everywhere with Himself. We are to be full and overflowing with Jesus and His goodness, overflowing our lives… just like David prophesied in Psalm 23.

Are you full today? Is your cup overflowing? I had to giggle to myself yesterday. I had messaged someone, trying to put them in touch with someone else that I knew they had not been in touch with for a while. I felt by the Spirit that they needed to talk and would be a blessing to one another. The message I got back was …’sorry, I cut contact with that person because they always drained me whenever I would chat to them’.  Family, friends, you need never be drained from ministering God’s life and blessing to others. If you are ‘drained’ that that tells me, you are ministering to others out of your flesh. 

We have been called by God, and His living Word has prophesied and declared, that our cups should be full and overflowing. 

How do you keep your cup full….? By staying full of the Word and being prayed up in the Holy Ghost. If your cup is empty, you have not been in the Word, you have not been walking in the Spirit… nobody can drain your cup except you not filling it up. When you minister to others out of your full cup… the Word promises that river of living water will flow through up. When you give out… you always get topped up.

Don’t let the enemy rob you of being a blessing to others. Get your head out the way and love on others through the Spirit of God living inside of you. Nobody can drain your cup… if you love on others through His grace flowing through you to others… your cup will stay full and overflowing. Get your head out the way… and love on others through your full cup – your spirit man, full of the Word and full of the Spirit of God.

Do you know what will drain your flesh cup – when you are giving others your opinion out of your head…. If you minister to others by directing them to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit, it will never drain you… it will only minister His life and power back to you as you Lead people to the fountain of living water... and then have a drink yourself from that same fountain of life.

I believe this message is for someone today and I want to challenge you to never again minister to others out of your head (your flesh) but always minister to others out of your spirit man. Direct them to the voice of the Holy Spirit … remind them to listen to His voice and drink from His fountain so that their cups run over with the same power that has filled your cup and kept it topped up, full and overflowing.

In His amazing love, Esther