Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Romans 11:5-6 (TPT)

 “…God’s grace empowers His chosen remnant. And since it is by God’s grace, it can’t be a matter of their good works; otherwise, it wouldn’t be a gift of grace, but earned by human effort.”

You and I are His chosen remnant, and New Covenant GRACE is what empowers us, equips us, and enables us to continue to do the works of Jesus as His hands extended.

I have been led by the Spirit to focus on New Covenant GRACE in the next few devotions, and to stir up some of the revelations on grace that the Lord has deposited over the last few years. Some of the upcoming devotions will be re-posts of truths deposited in previous teachings, however, I feel strongly, as we meditate upon the powerful truth of New Covenant grace, it will be FRESH and full of power, for such a time as this!

New Covenant GRACE is articulated in part through the Greek word ‘cháris’… cháris at its root is where the word ‘charismatic’ comes from… cháris is more than a noun, it is the ‘power gift’ of God personified. Jesus is GRACE in all of its facets… reducing grace to a noun, and then attempting to walk in revelation knowledge concerning New Covenant grace is futile!

 Jesus, the embodiment of cháris, or GRACE has given every believer ‘a part’ of His essence as a gift… this gift includes unmerited favor, miracle working power, supernatural ability, the mind of Christ, and so much more! Defining GRACE is as daunting a task as defining Jesus… the more that you discover, the more that you realize that you have not scratched the surface yet.

GRACE, God’s GIFT to every believer makes us strong when we are weak. Wise when we are clueless, powerful when we are powerless, and able when we have no ability within ourselves… grace is imparted through every New Covenant Word of God… living words of power and life, grace is imparted through the anointing, and grace is imparted every time that we get into the presence of Jesus, the person of grace… lets trust the Lord for FRESH revelation on this powerful, unmerited gift from our loving Father as we meditate on some scriptures on New Covenant grace over the next few days!  

In His amazing love, Nick
