Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Psalm 23 

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

 My messages are designed to inspire, to encourage, to equip for success, and to teach believers how to overcome and how to walk in God’s best for their lives… they are all about what Jesus has done for us, what He has made available to us, who He is in us, and who we are in Him!

 As I was waiting on the Lord for today’s devotion, the Holy Spirit told me that some out there are asking the question, “what about me?” What about the ones who have fallen prey to sickness, lack, or those who suffer with depression, or discouragement? What about those who have listened to all of the ‘positive, inspiring, encouraging, informative, anointed’ teachings, but STILL continue to be stuck in whatever trap they are in? What about those who feel that their faith is not working, or are starting to feel condemned, and may be starting to believe that all of these teachings must not be for them… what about those precious saints? 

One of my biggest challenges in life is, ‘not to’ be so fast to provide the answer, that I fail to embrace people where they are presently at in life… it is one thing to point to the path that leads to the mountain top, but it is another thing to provide water, comfort, healing and sustenance, while the person is ‘in the valley of the shadow of death!’

Our amazing, awesome Heavenly Father loves you so much, no matter what your present personal experience may be! He not only provides a way of escape, and He is not only focused on equipping you to overcome, He is there for you in the midst of pain, disappointment, failure, sickness and feelings of hopelessness and questionings. The Lord is not only God of the mountain top, He is God of the valley!

Know that, right now, in your valley, whatever your valley represents; right now, He is caring for you… He is leading you beside the still waters of His comforting anointing, so that you can REST in the green pastures of His love and grace… right now, this very moment, He is ministering restoration, healing and comfort to your soul! Jesus, our wonderful Savior is with you right now, embracing you and comforting you. This very moment, the Holy Spirit is pouring out the Healing, comforting, life-giving anointing of Jesus, that will run over you from head to toe… He will keep pouring, and pouring, until your cup runs over… in the midst of your personal valley, goodness and mercy will follow you and minister to you continuously.

 Positive, ‘grace and faith’ teachers like myself may look like we continually live on the mountain top, but the reality is, we all go through valleys… and some valleys and personal challenges seem like they may last for a lifetime. Nobody ‘feels’ bubbly, excited and positive at all times… challenges knock at all of our doors, and we all face times of ‘feeling’ overwhelmed. One of the BEST things about Jesus, is that He is there for me in my ‘humanity’.

Our wonderful Jesus loves you, wherever you are at, He is God of the valley, Your God who understands, embraces, and comforts, He is God of the mountain top, God who provides a way of escape, He is the Lord God, your Healer, your Provider… He is the One who prospers you, who, trains you, who equips you, who motivates and inspires you… so, ‘what about me?’ Our awesome God is right there with you… you are His child, and He is holding you tightly right now, pouring all that He is into you!  

 In His amazing love, Nick
