Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Mark 4:26-28

Jesus said, “This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man plants seed into the ground. Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. All by itself the soil produces grain—first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head.”

The way things work in the kingdom of God is that after we plant seeds in faith, they begin to grow underground… by the time that we see any results, the roots have already developed. We sow seeds of faith with our words of faith, and with our faith actions… after sowing the seeds of faith, they do not bear fruit immediately, it takes time! Just because you do not see immediate results, do not be discouraged… things are happening below the surface!

Galatians 6:9 (TPT) says, “Don’t allow yourselves to be weary in planting good seeds, for the season of reaping the wonderful harvest you’ve planted is coming!”

Sometimes it may seem as though you are spinning your wheels and not going anywhere… you are sowing good faith actions as you are led by the Spirit as well as continually sowing words of faith as you speak the Word, but it may seem like it is not working, or that you are doing it wrong, but be assured, God is growing what you have planted by faith!

There is a type of bamboo in China that takes five years to germinate… for five years you do not see any evidence that the bamboo is alive, and then, after five long years, when it surfaces, it grows to 80 feet in five weeks. Different seeds have different germination periods. Some things take very long, but when they manifest, they grow very fast and yield a great harvest.

The key is to not get out of faith, no matter how long things take. By faith, KNOW that God is growing what you have planted… even though there may be no evidence in the natural, be fully convinced that what He said, He will do… that He is watching over His Word to perform it. Keep speaking words of faith, keep up your faith actions, and do not relent!

Many people allow themselves to get talked out of their harvest by giving up on the seeds that they have planted by faith. The enemy plants the thought… “if things were going to happen, they would have already happened… try something new, do something different, go somewhere else, you are wasting your time!” The thoughts that he plants may make sense in the natural, but they go against the realities of the kingdom of God! Reject those thoughts, and persist in your faith… in due season, you will reap, IF YOU DO NOT GIVE UP!

How many believers are going to get to heaven and see all of the bountiful harvests that got stolen from them, because they gave up prematurely? Some harvests take many years to germinate… Moses had to wait 80 years to begin what he was born to do, Abraham had to wait 100 years before his promise manifested, David was 14-16 years old when he was ordained as king, and then saw no evidence that he would EVER become king for over thirty years, where he spent most of his time fleeing for his life in exile… yet Abraham, Moses and David all received what God had promised… they did not give up on their faith seeds, and God did not neglect producing a harvest out of every seed planted in faith!

The Lord gave me this word for you today… “do not get discouraged, do not give up, stay in faith, keep planting, keep watering… things are happening below the surface!”

In His amazing love, Nick
