Today’s New Covenant nugget is from John 16:23 (AMP) 

 In that day you will not [need to] ask Me about anything. I assure you and most solemnly say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name [as My representative], He will give you.

We serve such a loving caring Father, His Word tells us whatever we ask the Father, in Jesus’ Name, He will give it to us. Why would He do that…. Because He loves us. Friends, our loving heavenly Father, is a good, good Father. He loves us, He watches over His Word operating in our lives to perform miracles on our behalf… and best of all, He gave us His beloved Son Jesus, to pay the price for our redemption… so that we would live free, whole, healed and stand full and complete in all the will of God for our lives. 

Today, I want to wish all the dad’s a wonderful ‘Father’s day’…. But on this occasion today, let’s thank our heavenly Father for being such a good Father towards us… there is no one like our Father, no one can compare to Him and His love for us. 

In His amazing love, Esther

*Join us for a powerful Father’s Day service, join us online, or in person and participate in Spirit-filled worship, receive communion together and enjoy a faith building message that will equip you for such a time as this! 

Today’s message is, “KNOW THE FATHER AND BE TRANSFORMED” Come ready to receive impartation, revelation and healing. 

If you cannot make our in-person service, join us online at 10am on Facebook, YouTube and at
