Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Psalm 23:6 (TPT)

So why would I fear the future? Only goodness and tender love pursue me all the days of my life. Then afterward, when my life is through, I’ll return to your glorious presence to be forever with you!

The Lord directed me to this passage this morning, reminding me that His goodness and His mercy follow me every day of my life. The Passion Translation says it so beautifully – “only goodness and tender love pursue me all the days of my life.” 

You are pursued with God’s goodness and His tender love. You are so loved of the Lord… so loved that He gave His only son, so that His love would pursue you, overtake you and pay the price for your salvation, your protection, your prosperity – your very well being. 

He promised us that He would never leave us or forsake us… not only that, but He pursues us. Wow, what a loving Father! Today, He is pursuing you with His goodness and His tender love. Don’t doubt His love for you. Don’t allow discouragement to enter your heart, take heed to His words alone.

During our zoom class yesterday, Lynette, (Shawnette’s sister) also had this scripture from the Lord and shared a prophetic word that the Lord gave her and so I want to share this word from her with you today…

 “I am yours, You are mine. I will protect you and keep you safe in your life. I AM, always there. I AM always with you. I AM Here always, don’t’ ever forget that I AM all things for you. I have all you need I your life. I AM! I AM! I AM!

 *Please join us today, on line, or in person at Amazing Love Church for another powerful, life-transforming service. Enjoy and participate in Spirit-filled worship, receive communion together and enjoy a faith building message that will equip you for such a time as this! 

Today’s message is, “THE SWEET SPOT.” There is a place in Christ where life is stress-free, easy, and exciting… as you listen to the Word being preached, you will receive fresh revelation, inspiration and impartation that will lead you to a blessed, joy filled, peace filled life.

If you cannot make our in-person service, join us online at 10am on Facebook, YouTube and at

In His Amazing Love, Esther
