
Today’s New Covenant Nugget is from Proverbs 4:20-23 (TPT)

Listen carefully, my dear child, to everything that I teach you, and pay attention to all that I have to say. Fill your thoughts with My Words until they penetrate deep into your spirit. Then, as you unwrap My words, they will impart true life and radiant health into the very core of your being. So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being,
    for from there flows the wellspring of life.

The Lord is reminding us today to give heed to His beautiful Words of life and instruction. Let’s allow His Words to penetrate deep into our spirit man… so that they will impart life and health into the core of our being. Nothing lacking and no spot missed… His Word impacting every part of our inner being. Allowing His Word to filter out anything that is not of Him, so that His wells of life spring forth and bubble forth out of us, overflowing His love, His Wisdom, His peace, His might, His ability and His love – Selah 

Please join us today, either in person, or online at 10am for a powerful service! I know in my spirit that today is going to be life-transforming. I you are going to be joining us online, please be ready to partake of communion. See you in a little bit, either in person, or online! 

In His amazing love, Esther
