
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Psalm 8:1 (TPT) 

 Lord, your name is so great and powerful! People everywhere see your splendor. Your glorious majesty streams from the heavens, filling the earth with the fame of Your Name! 

How beautiful is our God, our Lord, our Father. Just reading this beautiful psalm of adoration, reminds me of how today, across the world, from every nation, people are gathering to worship our majestic heavenly Father and sing His praises, filling the earth with glorious melodies of worship. 

I am so excited that I get to go to church today to worship with our amazing church family at Amazing Love Church. Many of you may be joining us online, what a blessing that through technology, we get to lift up our mighty God together to declare His greatness, His power and His glory - Selah. 

In His amazing love, Esther

Please join us today, either ‘in person’ or ‘livestream’ for a powerful, Spirit-filled, life-transforming service! Worship the Lord together, pray together, partake of communion together and be inspired by an anointed word in season! See you in person, or on line! 
