
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from 1 Corinthians 13:1,2

If I were to speak with eloquence in earth’s many languages, and in the heavenly tongues of angels, yet I didn’t express myself with love, my words would be reduced to the hollow sound of nothing more than a clanging cymbal. And if I were to have the gift of prophecy with a profound understanding of God’s hidden secrets, and if I possessed unending supernatural knowledge, and if I had the greatest gift of faith that could move mountains, but have never learned to love, then I am nothing.

The Lord has called us to a new supernatural love walk in Him, with the power of His love operating in and through us. We are not to attempt to impress people with our knowledge, our personality or with our ministry gifts – those things don’t matter… but, it’s the love-filled words that come out of our mouths and our love propelled actions that represent the beautiful love of Jesus, the divine love of our heavenly Father and the comforting embrace of the Holy Spirit living within us.

As we continue to yield ourselves to the Holy Spirit, His extraordinary love will flow through us to others. It’s not about what you have done, it’s not about who you are and what you have achieved, but it’s about who is living on the inside of you and the miracle of His love pouring through you to others.

Everyday is a new day to demonstrate His love to others by the power of His love. With His love living through me, I am an anointed, love-filled child of the most High God, touching other’s lives with the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

In His Amazing Love, Esther
