
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Isaiah 40:31

They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

I was wondering how many hours, or days, or years I have spent waiting in my life? Waiting in long lines, waiting for people who always run late, waiting at the doctor’s office and waiting for something important to arrive in the mail… we spend a lot of time waiting! As I was once again waiting my turn… this time for a medical checkup, I pushed my impatience aside and began to meditate upon ‘waiting on the Lord’… “They that WAIT upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint”.

‘They that wait’ is one Hebrew word, ‘qâvâh’, it literally means ‘to lie in wait’ as a lioness stalks her prey, it means ‘to look for with hope, faith and eager anticipation’… so, it is not a passive state of being, it is an active state of preparedness. Have you ever seen one of those old war movies where the enemy is approaching and the general of the army gets in front of his men and says, “wait for it… wait for it… wait for it”, and finally, when the enemy gets real close, the general says, “attack!!!” Timing is everything!

Ephesians 6:15 talks about ‘having shod your feet in PREPARATION of the Gospel of peace… There are times when we need to STOP moving and MINIMIZE our activity and put ourselves in a state of preparing… while in faith, in eager anticipation, looking to the Lord and His Word… receiving the Lord’s strategy, receiving an impartation from the Lord and receiving supernatural power… do not just storm into the enemy’s camp, or just run blindly into your next assignment from the Lord… WAIT ON HIM!

As you wait, as you prepare yourself, and as you look to Jesus for the details of His battle plan… the timing, the what, the when, the how and the who with… as you wait in faith with your eyes on Jesus, He will renew your strength and equip you, enable you and anoint you so that when He says “GO”… instead of you doing it in your strength, you will do it in the strength, power and anointing of the Lord… you will supernaturally mount up with wings as eagles; you will run, and not be weary; and you shall walk, and not faint all the way to victory!

When you wait for people, you just get older, but when you wait upon the Lord in preparation for His timing, you get filled with all that you need to succeed in the thing that He has called you to!

In His Amazing Love, Nick
