Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Psalm 32:7

Thou art my hiding place; Thou shalt preserve me from trouble; Thou shalt compass me about with songs of deliverance. Selah.

Everything you need is in Him

One of the greatest needs we have in life is to feel secure, to feel safe, protected and surrounded with peace and comfort. Reading this verse today, I am reminded how He has got me… I am totally secure in Him. The enemy cannot touch me because I am hidden in Christ.

When Jesus died on the Cross and declared to the Father “it is finished” - He established eternal protection for you and me.

Did you ever play ‘hide and seek’ as a child? Did you ever find a hiding spot that you knew your friends would not be able to find you? Now, as born-again believers we are ‘hid in Christ’, we don’t have to go find a hiding place, no matter what we do, we are hidden in Him. The enemy cannot touch us, cannot find us, and has no access to us, because we are in Christ. In Him, we are hidden, protected, preserved, and surrounded by the comfort and power of the Holy Spirit’s presence.

In Him, C-19 cannot find you, cancer cannot find you, calamity cannot find you, and in Him nothing can by any means harm you!

No matter what you are facing today, stand on His Word today that you are ‘Hid in Him’. Hidden, preserved, protected, and surrounded by His mighty presence. Selah.

In His amazing love, Esther