Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Ephesians 5:1

Be imitators of God as His dear children.

 Notice that the emphasis is on ‘BE’, not ‘DO’… as New Covenant believers our focus should be on ‘being’ far more than on ‘doing’. As a born-again believer you ARE a new creature in Christ, and God’s DNA is built into you, therefore what you ‘do’, should flow out of who you ‘are’ like a river.

Believers can get pressured out by the RESPONSIBILITY of ‘doing’ all of the things they are supposed to ‘do’… they become performance orientated, and a person that is ‘performance orientated’ will always be under pressure.

 An apple tree will bear apples in season because it is an apple tree, not because it is working hard at producing apples… a fish will swim under the water at ease, not because it has practiced swimming underwater, and made it a goal to swim underwater, but because it is a fish, and a fish is MADE to swim under the water! You were MADE to do the works of Jesus by His power, therefore you are supernaturally equipped to ‘BE” an imitator of Christ, just like a fish is equipped to swim under the water.

 The secret of ‘being’ is ‘yielding’ to your new nature in Christ… feed the ‘new you’ the Word, so that ‘your spirit’ will be strong and nourished, pray in the Holy Spirit, so that the ‘new you’ will be empowered, and then YIELD to the new you and your NEW nature, ability, and desires, and ‘just BE!’ 

 ‘Being’ is like letting a river flow… the Christ DNA is in you, so starve your old self, feed the new man, and then let the river flow… ‘being’ is NEVER hard… if it is hard, your emphasis is on ‘doing’, if it is hard, you are TRYING to achieve, instead of receiving, and then just ‘being’.

 BE the new creature that Jesus made you to BE today, and the nature, the ability, the attitude, the values, the desires, the authority and the miracle working power of Christ will manifest in your life, just like fruit in season consistently manifests on a fruit tree! 

 In His amazing love, Nick

Pastor Nicholas is a dynamic, anointed, inspiring psalmist and minister of the Word, he has a word in season, as well as anointed music to impart. Invite friends and join us in-person this Sunday for an amazing service! If you cannot make our in-person service, join us online!