Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Acts 2:25-26

For David says concerning Him: ‘I foresaw the Lord always before my face, for He is at my right hand, that I may not be shaken. Therefore my heart rejoiced, and my tongue was glad; moreover my flesh also will rest in hope.

The Greek word for ‘rest’ in this Acts 2:25 literally means ‘to pitch a tent to rest in’. Pitching a rest tent is making a place to get out of the elements where one can lay down and get some peaceful rest.

Resting in the Lord, under His wings, in His shadow or in His tent is one of the highest levels of faith. That is the place where we cast all cares upon Him, knowing that He cares for us! Jesus is our tent of rest, and the way that we pitch a tent is to make room for Him, laying our stress down and resting by faith… casting our cares upon Him, knowing that He cares for us! 

A big part of ‘pitching a tent’ is taking the time to meditate upon the Word… taking time to let the Word wash out all of the thoughts and challenges from the world around us. Our busy minds can be swamped by everything coming at us from our busy lives… our responsibilities, our bills, relationship challenges, family drama, and feelings of inadequacy and being overwhelming. Meditating on the anointed Word washes all of that away… (Jesus sanctifies our minds by washing our minds with His Word - Ephesians 5:26).

Once you have ‘pitched a tent’ to make room for Jesus, all you need to do is enter in by grace, through faith! Enter into your place of rest today… your place of rest is a person, Jesus Christ… enter in and rest, don’t stress!

In His amazing love, Esther