Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Philippians 4:13

 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

The Passion Translation says, “The strength of Christ’s explosive power infuses me to conquer every difficulty.”

The key to doing more than you have ability to do (in the natural), is doing something ‘through Christ’. In other words, doing everything by the power of Jesus’ anointing. 

The anointing infuses the explosive power and supernatural ability of Jesus into you and onto you, enabling you to ‘do all things’ and to conquer EVERY difficulty. All things include things that are beyond your natural ability… just like Jesus and Peter walked on water, they did so under the ‘enabling anointing’. The enabling anointing equips believers to do things that are far beyond what is naturally possible! 

When I say, “you can do this”, I mean it… His POWER is at it’s greatest working through your weakness… His unlimited ability works best through your limitations, and His ‘super’ kicks in when your ‘natural’ ends… it’s called ‘supernatural! 

In His amazing love, Nick