Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Hebrews 4:16

‘Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.’ 

Mercy is not getting what you deserve and grace is getting what you do not deserve. Mercy is not getting the bad consequences that you deserve for your wrong actions and grace is getting an undeserved reward in spite of your wrong actions through the ‘Person of Grace’, Jesus our Savior.

Allow me to repeat what has been said in previous teachings… GRACE is more than a noun, Grace is a Person… Jesus is GRACE personified! When we get into His presence at His throne… Jesus is called ‘GRACE,’ so, instead of the Word referring to His throne as the throne of Jesus, it refers to His throne as the throne of GRACE. When we come to His throne by faith, Jesus IMPARTS His anointing of grace and mercy onto us, and when we receive it, a path of victory is laid out before us!

Many times when we find ourselves in a time of need it is because we missed it, messed up or just simply because we did not heed the small still voice of the Holy Spirit. Whatever the reason, known or unknown, when you find yourself in need, come boldly before the throne of GRACE and obtain mercy and find the anointing of grace!  

The anointing of mercy and grace releases the power of Jesus to work on your behalf in spite of what you may have done to knowingly or unknowingly get yourself in a challenging situation. Mercy and grace work together to work all things together for your good. 

In His amazing Love, Nick 
