
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from John 4:24

The hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him. God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.

New Covenant worship should be in spirit and truth… in other words from your spirit to the Father in the realm of the spirit and from your soul according to the Word which is truth. True worship happens when a believer presses into the spiritual realm and connects heart to heart with the Father in deep adoration… worshipping in your heavenly language as well as in your earthy language through utterance of the Word in song, or in prayer.

New Covenant worship is very intimate… it is not a shallow outward expression, but a deep heartfelt adoration. Worship can be expressed in a song, but is more than singing… it is heart, spirit adoration. As New Covenant believers we can worship in song, in prayer, in silent devotion pr in deep scriptural meditation… New Covenant worship has nothing to do with the speed or rhythm of a song… it has more to do with intimacy, heart and spirit. Worship is not performance, worship is spirit and truth adoration.

Some churches have reduced worship to singing songs… you can have flashing lights, you can express emotion and you can have a great atmosphere with excellent professional musicians and singers and not be truly worshipping… on the other hand you can have one instrument played by an unskilled novice with an untrained, off pitch voice leading a small group with a whole heart and total devotion and deep adoration and experience true spirit and truth New Covenant worship.

I love excellence, I love talent, I love beautiful harmonies and skilled musicians… I love emotion, I love great atmospheres with professional lighting, but when all of those things start to define worship, we risk losing the heart of worship and reduce worship to a Christian concert.

Worship is not limited to a church experience, true worship should be something that we do every day… we do not need music, all that we need is a heart that is willing to shut everything around us out and to press into the presence of the Lord with all of our hearts. The Father is seeking such to worship Him… selah!

In His amazing Love, Nick
