The Lord your Confidence.jpg

Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Proverbs 3:26

For the LORD shall be thy confidence…

Friends…. Let’s rise up confident today in who we are in Christ – He is our confidence. He is our King and our Lord of Lords. Presidents and Kings of countries, will come and go… they will be elected, re-elected, or overthrown… but our Jesus is King of Kings and Lord of Lords and will be forever on the throne.

As Psalm 29:10 says, “He sitteth, King forever”. Don’t crumble, don’t grow weary in fighting the fight of faith, but walk confident in the One Who lives in you, walk confident, knowing the Anointed One and His anointing lives in you and is flowing in you and through you.

He called you to live for Him, to worship Him, to share the good news of His grace, so run your race today confidently, in Jesus Name – selah

I want to invite you to join us today, in person, or online… I believe that we are going to have a powerful service today at Amazing Love. Nick and I are both in strong faith, believing that the Holy Spirit will show Himself strong in our midst and that the Holy Ghost ‘pool of Bethesda’ will be stirred… that all who jump in by faith will be transformed by the miracle working power of Jesus!

In His Amazing Love, Esther
