Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Proverbs 4:7

Wisdom (revelation knowledge) is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom. And in all your getting, get understanding.

Another translation says, ‘Wisdom is the most valuable commodity - revelation knowledge is what you need - so do whatever you have to do to get it!’


The Word says that scriptural ‘wisdom revelation knowledge’ is the principal thing, or ‘the most valuable commodity’…

New Covenant ‘epiphany revelation knowledge’ (wisdom) is one of the most important gifts that a believer can possess, in fact New Covenant revelation goes way beyond the ‘wisdom revelation’ gift given to believers in the Old Covenant… this is because in the New Covenant we are ‘born again’ and have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of us as well as the power of the Holy Spirit working through us. We also have a much greater inheritance through Christ as well as New Covenant ‘grace’ which gives us unlimited access to the Father and all that Heaven has.

This New Covenant [wisdom, revelation, epiphany knowledge] is clearly laid out for us in 1 Corinthians 2:6-16 (TPT)

6 There is a wisdom that we continually speak of when we are among the spiritually mature. It’s wisdom that didn’t originate in this present age, nor did it come from the rulers of this age who are in the process of being dethroned.

7 Instead, we continually speak of this wonderful wisdom that comes from God, hidden before now in a mystery. It is His secret plan, destined before the ages, to bring us into glory.

*Note… New covenant ‘wisdom’ revelation comes from God… it is not ‘wisdom’ as defined in a dictionary. This is something that God unveils and reveals to a believer from His treasure chest of kingdom realities.

8 None of the rulers of this present world order understood it, for if they had, they never would have crucified the Lord of shining glory.

9 This is why the Scriptures say: Things never discovered or heard of before, things beyond our ability to imagine - these are the many things God has in store for all His lovers.

10 But God now unveils these profound realities to us by the Spirit. Yes, He has revealed to us His inmost heart and deepest mysteries through the Holy Spirit, Who constantly explores all things.

*Note… The Lord wants to reveal things to you that have never been discovered or heard of before, things beyond our ability to imagine. But God now unveils these profound realities to us by the Spirit. Yes, He has revealed to us His innermost heart and deepest mysteries through the Holy Spirit…

11 After all, who can really see into a person’s heart and know his hidden impulses except for that person’s spirit? So it is with God. His thoughts and secrets are only fully understood by His Spirit, the Spirit of God.

12 For we did not receive the spirit of this world system but the Spirit of God, so that we might come to understand and experience all that grace has lavished upon us.

*Note… The Father wants you to UNDERSTAND and EXPERIENCE all of the previously unknown and unrevealed mysteries, gifts, abilities and powers that have been made available to you as a New Covenant believer.

13 And we articulate these realities with the words imparted to us by the Spirit and not with the words taught by human wisdom. We join together Spirit-revealed truths with Spirit-revealed words.

*Note… Not only does the Father want to reveal profound revelations to you, He wants to give you the ability to ‘articulate’ these ‘kingdom realities’ as ‘Spirit revealed truths’ with Spirit revealed words. Let me give you an example… let’s say that the Father wants to give you revelation knowledge on a kingdom reality that gives you as a believer the ability to ‘translate’ physically, or to ‘spirit travel’ from one place in the World to another as Philip did… (Acts 8:39-40 (TPT) – “When they came up out of the water, Philip was suddenly snatched up by the Spirit of the Lord and instantly carried away to the city of Ashdod, where he reappeared, preaching the gospel in that city.”) Spirit travel, or, whatever you call it is a New Covenant, kingdom reality… nobody can do it in the natural, nor can anybody open blind eyes in the natural, but with ‘revelation knowledge’, imparted from the Father, through the Holy Spirit… you can operate in this ‘kingdom reality’ and you can articulate the revelation to others as well.

14 Someone living on an entirely human level rejects the revelations of God’s Spirit, for they make no sense to him. He can’t understand the revelations of the Spirit because they are only discovered by the illumination of the Spirit.

*Note… If anybody reads what I am writing with a carnal mind, they will think that what I am sharing is ridiculous, unobtainable and foolishness… the revelations of the Spirit are only discovered by the illumination of the Spirit.

15 Those who live in the Spirit are able to carefully evaluate all things, and they are subject to the scrutiny of no one but God.

16 For Who has ever intimately known the mind of the Lord Yahweh well enough to become His counselor? Christ has, and we possess Christ’s perceptions.

*Note… That last phrase, “We possess Christ’s perceptions” is so powerful! To do the works of Jesus and even greater works we must first have the mind of Christ and possess Christ’s perceptions.

Not only is New Covenant revelation [epiphany, wisdom], whatever you call it available to every believer through Christ, it is very necessary in order for us to operate as kings and priests in Christ.

Ask the Holy Spirit to help you and to teach you how to receive it… spend as much time with the Lord as it takes… meditate on the Word, worship the Lord, pray in the Spirit and earnestly seek impartations of revelation knowledge and Holy Ghost ‘rhema’ epiphanies. In Jesus Name!

Blessings on you, Nick
