
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from 2 Corinthians 3:18

We all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.

Notice that it is the Holy Spirit Who does the transforming… we cannot transform ourselves – we can make small changes, but we cannot ‘metamorphosize’ ourselves. The Holy Spirit TRANSFORMS and metamorphosizes us into the image and likeness of Jesus from one degree of glory to another.

The mirror is the Word of God, Jesus is the Glory of the Father and the Holy Spirit is the One Who transforms. As we get a revelation of Jesus in the ‘Word mirror’, as we get a revelation of His Glory and as we receive and partake of His divinity through the Word, the Holy Spirit begins to TRANSFORM us from who we are to who we are becoming. It is progressive transformation.

With the transformation comes more miracle working power, greater authority and greater ability. Transformation occurs in our minds, our emotions, our personality, our values, our temperament and our motives.

As you get in the Spirit and take time to meditate upon the Word, the Holy Spirit immediately starts the metamorphosis.

How do I meditate upon the Word?

There are many ways to meditate upon the Word, but one of the best ways is to journal, or to write down your reflections while studying scripture. When you read the book of Psalms, you are reading songs, poems and reflections of somebody’s devotional time in the Word with the Lord.

David wrote most of the book of Psalms as a journal of his prayers, poems and songs to the Lord While meditating on the Word. The Holy Spirit transformed David into the image of Jesus even though David was an Old Covenant worshipper. David’s mind, his temperament, his values, and his whole being got progressively transformed by the Spirit and he became more like Jesus than any other person under the Old Covenant.

If that happened to David under the Old Covenant, how much more than that can it happen to you under the New Covenant? These daily devotions are a part of my personal scriptural meditations… they are more than teachings, they are my reflections from the mirror of God’s Word and I am being transformed as I write them down. These daily devotions are much more for me than they are for you! - the fact that many people around the world are blessed by them is wonderful, but I am far more blessed than the rest!

Some ministers minister and write and teach what they think others need, I drink of Jesus for myself, and then rivers begin to flow out of me for others… I drink till my cup overflows, and then others drink out of the overflow. I believe that real ministry should be that way.

So, I encourage you, meditate upon the Word, then write down your reflections… let the Holy Spirit transform you as you write down your meditation - then as the Lord prompts you, begin to minister out of the overflow – the same Holy Spirit Who transforms you through the Word will transform others through the same Word overflowing from you to them.

Blessings on you, Nick
