
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from 2 Chronicles 20:25

King Jehoshaphat and his people went out to plunder the bodies and came away loaded with money, garments, and jewels - so much that it took them three days to cart it all away!

Jehoshaphat and Judah came under attack from three armies and any one of those armies could have defeated them, BUT GOD…

Judah’s problem became an opportunity for the Blessing of the Lord! The devil meant it for evil, but God turned it around for their good – Jehoshaphat and Judah put their faith in the Lord, and He not only supernaturally defeated the three armies, He blessed Judah with money, garments and jewels… so much of it, it took them three days to collect it and carry it away!

For those of us living by faith in Christ, problems are nothing more than opportunities for miracles and for blessings – when the Lord says that He works ALL THINGS together for our good, what He is saying is that as problems and challenges arise, all of Heaven immediately goes to work to turn the problem that you are facing into an overwhelming blessing.

I do not know what you may be facing today, but you are sure to face some challenges and some problems today… when you do, rejoice because every problem you face will be turned into a blessing as you put your faith in God and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit! The devil brings things to kill, steal and to destroy, BUT GOD uses every one of those things as opportunities to abundantly bless you.

Do not pray for problems, but when they come, immediately say, “what a great opportunity for a miracle blessing!” – then get ready to receive your miracle!

Blessings on you, Nick

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