
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from 1 Corinthians 11:25 (TPT)

After supper and said, “This cup seals the new covenant with My blood. Drink it—and whenever you drink this, do it to remember Me.”

Friends, let’s start the day out today in sharing communion together. Every time we do communion and break bread together, our heavenly Father is glorified because we are remembering what Jesus did on the Cross of Calvary for us. We are starting our day at the Cross and discerning the body of Christ. Jesus’ body was broken for you and for me. He was broken, so that our bodies would be made whole. His blood was shed for our victory today. Even though we are separated and miles apart today, let’s partake together of the cup of the New Covenant.

“Father, I thank You today for Your gift of Jesus, Your only begotten Son, Jesus, thank You for giving Your body to be broken for me. As I eat of this bread, Jesus, I thank You, that I am made whole. Whatever physical challenges are facing me today, I call my body healed and whole because of the price You paid for me on Calvary. Thank You Jesus for the price You paid for my wholeness. I receive wholeness now in Jesus’ mighty Name.

Father, I thank You for the cup of the New Covenant … thank You Jesus that by Your stripes I am made whole. Thank You for shedding Your blood for me. Thank You for the victory and life-giving power made available to us through Your precious blood that was shed. Thank You we are redeemed… every curse is broken, Your blood has set us free from bondage and brought us into a New Covenant of Grace and power and love… Lord Jesus, I receive everything You did for me, today, by Faith in Your mighty Name.”

Blessings on you, Esther

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