
Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Esther 4:14

“For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

This is a devotion from earlier this year that I feel prompted to share again with a few changes. I was listening to an ‘end times prophet’ who was sharing about the crises that the world is in… he was comparing the world to the titanic going down. His solution was, “run for the lifeboats…’ pray for the rapture… let’s get out of here… there is nothing left here on earth for us to live for!”

Yes, this world is in a crisis, and yes, scripture has prophesied this time, BUT this is not the time to proclaim ‘escape theology’, this is the time to tell the church to ‘rise up’ and be the church! to use our dominion authority in Christ, and to shine the light in this dark world.

If the ‘Titanic’ scenario is true, there were those who ran for the lifeboats, and then there were those who were helping others… helping them get to the lifeboats, helping them by lifting them to their feet when they fell… there was even a group of musicians who started playing anointed music on the deck to calm people’s spirits in the midst of the crisis… I would rather identify with the people helping, than those who were running to the lifeboats… just saying!

Did you know that Jesus made you by design and equipped you, gifted you and anointed you to operate in His kingdom ‘for such a time as this?

Like Queen Esther, you are made by design, called and fully equipped to thrive as His hand extended right now, in these exact days! Like a fish that has been made by design to thrive under water, under the anointing, you will thrive in conditions where others can hardly survive!

Esther was created to step onto the scene and to do what she was called and equipped to do by God at the exact time that her people needed her, and it is the same for you, Jesus created you for such a time as this!

The bible says in John 1:3 that All things were made by Jesus, and without Him nothing was made that was made. Jesus could have made you to live in Abraham’s time, He could have made you to be born and to live during the early nineteen hundreds, He could have made you to be alive at any time, but He did not, He created you to be alive right now… for such a time as this!

Jesus created you, designed you, equipped you, gifted you and placed everything that you need to be in your DNA for such a time as this!

He needed Peter, Paul and the apostles to launch the early church in His Name, and He created them and designed them with that in mind… their personalities, their gifts, their natural ability… everything that they were, was put in them on purpose by His design for that time – you were not made for that time, you do not have what they needed to be successful at that time, but you are exactly what is needed and you have precisely what you need programmed into you to operate by the power of God and His anointing for such a time as this!

Jesus made you and called you as His hands extended in the world that we live in NOW! He created you, programmed you, gifted you and placed everything He needs you to have in your DNA, for such a time as this!

Do not worry, do not fear, you were built for this, you were created for this and you have everything that you need and that this world needs from you, for such a time as this! You were made by design by Jesus to represent Him right now… He made you, He designed you, He equipped you, He programmed you, He has called you, He has anointed you and He Has chosen you for such a time as this!

In His amazing love, Nick

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