Today’s New Covenant nugget is from John 14:16-17 (TPT)

And I will ask the Father and He will give you another Savior, the Holy Spirit of Truth, who will be to you a friend just like me—and He will never leave you. The world won’t receive Him because they can’t see Him or know Him. But you will know Him intimately, because He will make His home in you and will live inside you.

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Praise the Lord for this beautiful passage - Jesus is reminding us of the gift of the Holy Spirit to us. I love how Jesus describes the person of the Holy Spirit as a friend to us, just as Jesus is a friend to us. A friend who will never leave us, a friend who we will know intimately, a friend who will live in us.

The mirror translation describes the Holy Spirit in this verse as “a close companion, to be with you in such an intimate way that My immediate presence will continue to be seamlessly one with you in timeless ages”. What a beautiful passage of scripture describing His indwelling presence as the Holy Spirit being seamlessly one with us, and that not just for a moment, His indwelling is timeless.

The Holy Spirit lives in us and lives through us. He is a friend and companion to comfort, encourage, direct, lead and minister His love and peace into our spirit man.

Friends, today, remember you have the greatest gift of all that Jesus gave you, the precious beautiful companionship of the Holy Spirit. He lives in you, abides in you, and is seamlessly one with you.

Blessings on you, Esther

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