Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Genesis 50:20

But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.

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The Hebrew word translated as ‘Meant it’ is ‘Châshab’, literally meaning ‘to make a judgment or a ruling’ – so in other words Genesis 50:20 could read, ‘You made a ruling for evil, but God overturned your ruling and made a ruling that it will be used for good and not for evil.’

Joseph’s brothers and the spirits that influenced them intended harm to come to Joseph, but God overturned their judgment and made a different ruling that everything that was intended to kill, steal and destroy would instead be used to build, strengthen, developed character and in the end, save the lives of millions of people.

God was not the source of Joseph’s trouble, the lies spoken against him or the unfair treatment that he endured – let me be clear on that! Every good and perfect gift comes from the Father… if it is not good, if it is not perfect and if it is not a blessing, then it does not come from the Lord! Some are saying that this COVID-19 is the Father’s judgment because of the sinful deeds of the world… NO IT IS NOT! God does not put sickness on people after He sent His Son to die on the cross to destroy sickness, only to put it on people again! Besides, If God had to judge the world, you would not find it!

God placed all of His wrath and all of His judgment on Jesus while He was on the cross – right now He is not condemning the world, He is working to save every lost person and heal every sick person and make whole every broken person!

God was not the source of Joseph’s hardship, but everytime the devil tried to hurt him, the Lord helped him… everytime the devil tried to demote him, the Lord promoted him and everytime the devil tried to falsely accuse him, God vindicated him… God kept overturning the devil’s rulings – he kept turning every bad thing around and then used it for Joseph’s good, the good of His kingdom and the good of the whole land.

Just as with Shadrach Meshach and Abednego, just as with Daniel in the Lion’s den, and just as with Jehoshaphat and the three armies that came to destroy him and all of Judah, in the midst of the devil’s intent to kill, steal and destroy… God turned the tables on the devil and made a ruling that every evil intent and action would work together for the good of the people of God!

Just as with Jesus… the devil put rebellion and deception in the children of Israel’s hearts, then they crucified their Messiah on the Cross… but the story did not end there… they meant it for evil, but God turned the tables and made a different judgment… He ruled that it would be used for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive. The cross, which was a symbol of torment and pain is now forever a symbol of victory! That is the kind of God that we serve!

This COVID-19 is from the pit of hell… the spirits of darkness as well as the people under their influence have evil intentions, they have evil agenda’s and evil assignments to stop the church, to kill millions, to take away freedom, to fuel fear and panic and to disrupt everything that is good, BUT GOD will turn the tables… in fact the tables are being turned right now… revival will come out of this, freedom will come out of this, a church on fire will come out of this - We are going to come out of this thing better, stronger and more powerful than ever before!

Hide in your secret place (Jesus) and say of the Lord Jesus, “He is my refuge and my fortress; my God, in Him I will trust. Surely He shall deliver me from the snare of the devil and from the perilous pestilence. A thousand may fall at my side, and ten thousand at my right hand; but COVID-19 shall not come near me. Because I have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, JESUS my dwelling place, NO evil shall befall me, nor shall any plague or virus come near my dwelling; For He has given His angels charge over me and my household, to keep us in all of our ways.”

Blessings on you, Nick

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