Today’s New Covenant nugget is from Hebrews 10:38-39 (TPT)

And he also says, “My righteous ones will live from my faith. But if fear holds them back, my soul is not content with them!” But we are certainly not those who are held back by fear and perish; we are among those who have faith and experience true life!


I understand that this coronavirus is a monster… I understand why people are panicking, but for the church… this is no time to panic, this is no time to draw back and isolate ourselves in fear… this is our time to rise up in faith, boldness and in power!

We are Jesus to the lost and dying world around us… if we run and hide, what hope will they have? Shake off fear, build yourself up in your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost… then rise up in grace, faith, boldness and in power and represent Jesus!

Acts 4:13 says, ‘Now when they saw the boldness of Peter and John, and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marveled. And they realized that they had been with Jesus.’ Peter and John were facing imminent death at all times, yet they took on the anointing of boldness in Christ and went out regardless of the danger.

Everytime a lifeguard rushes into the water to save someone, he puts his life on the line… everytime a fire fighters rush into burning buildings, they put their lives on the line, yet why is it that when there is a world wide pandemic, that believers equipped with the power to destroy it draw back like cowards and faithless, fear filled hypocrites that say one thing, and then when the devil threatens them… run away like babies?

I stand filled with righteous indignation as I witness what is happening. I have been on the phone, I have been sending text messages and I have been doing everything that I can to speak boldness and faith into every Christian leader that I know! Stop trying to be politically correct! Stop trying to be balanced about this thing… rise up, speak death to it and command it to die at the root and KILL it, in Jesus Name, before it destroys our world! If it seems like I am fired up, I am! No apologies… people are dying and we are the vaccine – the anointing in us is the vaccine – the blood of Jesus is the vaccine… do not deprive the world… go forth in power and inoculate as many people as you can!

Blessings on you, Nick

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