Today’s New Covenant nugget is from 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 (AMPC)
For though we walk (live) in the flesh, we are not carrying on our warfare according to the flesh and using mere human weapons. For the weapons of our warfare are not physical [weapons of flesh and blood], but they are mighty before God for the overthrow and destruction of strongholds, [Inasmuch as we] refute arguments and theories and reasonings and every proud and lofty thing that sets itself up against the [true] knowledge of God; and we lead every thought and purpose away captive into the obedience of Christ (the Messiah, the Anointed One).
One of the biggest areas that the enemy targets is our minds… his goal is to establish strongholds of deception in our minds. A stronghold is a dug in fortress that is designed to maintain illegal occupation providing access to destructive occupants. We are to hold EVERY thought accountable to the Word… that is the ONLY way to avoid deception.
The devil tries to plant deceptive arguments, theories and reasonings in our minds to establish strongholds. People have subjected themselves to the devil by being open to non-scriptural ideas, reasonings and theories. Our stance as believers should be… ‘if something is not CLEARLY and plainly laid out in scripture, do not give yourself over to meditating upon it’. Take EVERY thought captive and make it accountable to the anointed Word of Christ… not some thoughts… EVERY thought!
People get caught up in the strangest things… do not allow your inquisitive mind to open up to things that are not laid out in scripture, or things that do not carry the anointing, or things that do not advance the kingdom of God – if someone asks me a question about anything… I immediately search for the answer in the Word… if I cannot find the answer in the Word, then my answer is, “I do not know!’ – I then pray about it and ask the Holy Spirit for the answer – in most cases, He leads me to scripture that provides the answer… until then, I leave the question tabled.
This is why we have to be careful about the movies we watch, or the books that we read… the devil wants us to get away from the truth of the Word, away from Word values and Word ideas and a Word culture, to worldly (so called) facts, worldly values and worldly ideas. The devil uses movies, conversations, video games, books, social media and whatever he can to lure us away from the Word! This is how so called ‘liberal Christians’ with liberal social unscriptural beliefs embracing the murder of unborn babies, transgender, homosexual, bisexual, bestiality, pornography, using drugs to enhance so called worship and many, many more unthinkable things.
Even writing this may cause some to judge me as being unloving! Love does not embrace every lifestyle and every unscriptural action… love embraces every person, and then love transforms them and leads them out of destructive, ungodly behaviors. I am in fact writing this out of love and not out of a critical spirit. The unscriptural theology that a loving God must be an all embracing God is destroying and hurting many in the church world. Again, God embraces people, loves people, sees the diamond in people, but he hates anything that destroys people!
Do not let the destroyer in… do not be ‘open minded’, turn your mind into Fort Knox… make EVERY thought, every idea and every argument submit to the Word, the leading of the Spirit, and the anointing, in Jesus Name! If not… take it captive, lead it away and lock it up, in Jesus Name!
Blessings on you, Nick